Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It all works out in the end.


     I found out yesterday that I've been going to the wrong English class for a week. Yes, this English class. I figured that out in class yesterday and just started crying. Anxiety washed over me and embarrassment completely settled in. I went into full panic mode until after class where I just had to talk to myself to calm down. I realized that the mix up wasn't entirely my fault and it just didn't work out how I thought it would. Long story short I am going to keep being in this class for the semester and I am very thankful it worked out. Trying to figure out college is no easy task, and I've definitely felt the stress of it this whole week and weekend. Nonetheless it just goes to show that things just don't always go how you expect them to, but it does all work out in the end.

    I definitely can get caught up in my head and get anxious about many things, but I have to remind myself it does work out in the end. School can get very stressful, life can get very stressful. And I realize how much I let that stress get to me and run my whole day. I can't do that though, because with stress comes more anxiety, and anxiety does not make anything any easier. So I am going to take this week as a learning lesson. That these things happen and I can't be too hard on myself. I have to remind myself it will all fall into place and I can only do my best. I am reminding myself to enjoy this season of my life no matter how crazy it may get. I wanted to write about this subject in my blog today because I think it's a good reminder for everyone. Because we all have crazy lives and we all get down on ourselves. But we have to learn to just let loose and remind ourselves that it's all going to be okay.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you shared this, Elizabeth. We can get caught up in worries. And while worry may bring some benefits (better planning, attention to our instincts, caution as we proceed), it's wonderful to comfort ourselves by reflecting on The Big Picture :)


Completely and Utterly Exhausted

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