Thursday, September 9, 2021

English class


     English is by far my favorite subject and the class I look forward to every year. I love classes where you can interact with your classmates and just work on a project together. As long as that project is not related to math or chemistry of course. I have loved writing sense I was little and started reading fantasy books when I was 10. I still read to this day and love anything that has to do with literature. The last English class I took was at Ivy Tech for dual credit. And let's just say I learned a lot of lessons from that class. She had class about 20% of the time and I left class at least once because she just didn't even bother to show up. I got a good grade in the class thankfully, however I really did not enjoy that English class. That is why I am actually retaking English 104 because of how little experience I got with the last class. I love the current class I am in now so much. 

    This microtheme that we have had to tackle these past few weeks has not been easy. I absolutely love writing and busting out papers, but I'm used to papers much longer and definitely different. I had to really think about what I needed to say and how to write it. I didn't even have any research to think about, it was just really difficult trying to narrow all my thoughts. Which is why I genuinely enjoy this class. Being able to learn something new and figure it out with other classmates is what I look forward to every week. You definitely have those classes that you dread, but there are also those classes that you look forward to every week as well. English class has always, and will always be a class I look forward to. 

1 comment:

Completely and Utterly Exhausted

            I'm sitting here having absolutely no idea what to write about. It's nearing the end of the semester where I think every...