Thursday, November 11, 2021

Texas comes to Chicago


                Last Saturday my family went to go see my cousin play hockey. Some of my Dad's side lives in Texas and those are the ones I have always connected to the most. We grew up with them, went to our cabins with them almost every year. So you can imagine my excitement when I found out that Ian was playing in Chicago. He is extremely good at hockey and has won many games around the United States. So for our Saturday plans our whole family drove down there and enjoyed a great game of hockey. They did end up winning and Ian scored an extremely impressive goal. 

                As a tradition in our family, whenever we all get together in Chicago we always go to Portillo's. So after the game we went to Portillo's and talked about everything with each other. Whenever we get together it's like no time has passed between us. They have always moved from state to state their whole lives so we never saw them as much as I wanted to. But when we get together it never takes us time to warm up, we immediately start talking and never shut up. Sadly most of my family had to head home after lunch because my siblings had to go to work. However, my dad and I were able to stay for the next game that Ian had that night. 

                I needed that full day with them so badly. I have been going through so much lately in my personal life and I haven't been able to just fully laugh. I haven't laughed as hard as I did on Saturday in a very long time. Before the game we all just gathered together in the hotel and made the stupidest jokes and talked about our favorite memories together. I physically felt my heart become lighter. After hanging out for a little while we headed to the game and oh man. I could write about that game for forever. Long story short the referees completely cheated and the other team had about six power plays all together because they kept getting favored. But no body could mess with us, and after a horrible first period we destroyed them. 5-2, them only scoring on their power plays that they did not deserve. That's why I added that picture of my uncle taking a selfie. We were so excited. That day has been added to the list as one of my favorite days this year. 

1 comment:

  1. How lovely! I'm glad you have such positive family experiences to carry you :)


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