Thursday, November 4, 2021

Our Dog Business

        My family has had a dog business for eight years. People take their dog to our house when they are out of town or on vacation instead of taking them to a kennel. At first my mom started the business to pay for me to be able to do competitive gymnastics for four years. Competitive gymnastics gets extremely expensive once you have to pay for it every month. We needed the extra money and thought why not? We love dogs and all of us kids committed to helping mom out with all of the dogs. Eight years later and we have about 350 amazing reviews from clients and this has become our full time job. Sense my dad hasn't had a job for a few years and my mom only works part time, we have had to fully commit to this job and the income it provides. There are eight of us to provide for and we are so thankful that God has taken us so far with this job that we are able to depend on it. 
        We never thought that this small side job would turn into our family's full time job. My dad now helps my mom fully manage the business anytime my mom may be at work. The holiday's are our busiest times and sometimes we have ten dogs in our house at a time. After eight years we have found a really good rhythm and even though it can get really chaotic we always make it work and try to remain grateful. There would be absolutely no way we would be able to pay our bills if it wasn't for this job. Currently we are looking for a bigger house to invest in this business even more and have plenty of room for all of our family members and dogs. If you would have told us eight years ago that taking care of dogs in our home would become our full time job we never would have believed it. But it has become the biggest blessing in our lives and we are so grateful. 


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