Thursday, October 28, 2021

Long nights


    Here's a picture from one of my favorite days. My family and I went canoeing in Ely Minnesota, the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I needed to be reminded of those good days because lately the nights have been long. So much is going on in my personal life, so much is happening all at once. It's hard to learn how to take care of yourself and take care of personal things while also dealing with school and work. Some weeks you truly are just surviving, and I'm learning to let myself be okay with that. I really wanted to just post highlight pictures from this week and be able to write about how great life is going. But it's truly not great right now, there are definitely great moments, however overall I am just tired. Tired of all the responsibility places on my shoulders for the past couple of weeks. Tired of schoolwork expecting so much from me. Tired of myself expecting so much from me. I hate that that's even a reality of my life right now. But it is and there's nothing I can do about it.

    However throughout this week I have chose to focus on the blessings from this week. There have been so many people that have had my back this week. So many encouraging messages, so much love. I've chosen to focus on the relationships that I have right now. I watched Twilight with my sister and our old foster kid and we laughed and made fun of it the entire time. Usually I would choose to stay home and read but tonight I'm actually going to the midnight madness at Purdue. I'm realizing how many times I would just choose to stay home, I'm a huge homebody. But I'm trying to branch out and do the things I love to do but I'm usually too scared to do. So here's to trying new things and just surviving. It's truly not so bad. 

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