Sunday, October 17, 2021

Away from the stress of life

 I am a little late in writing my blog this week but I think it worked out in the end because now I actually have something to write about. Yesterday my boyfriend and I decided to take a day trip to Turkey Run. With the stress of school and life always looming over me we both thought it was a good idea to just go out for a while and do the things we both love. I used yesterday to photograph, climb, and just breathe. 

    A lot of people have ventured to starved rock, which I definitely enjoy just as much. However with all the rain that has happened lately there were a lot of beautiful waterfalls in Turkey Run. Brian (my boyfriend) and I found ourselves not just walking through nature but truly hiking. We had to cross over many waterfalls while trying not to get our feet wet while also working around the traffic of other people trying to get through. I was exhausted by hour one to say the least. I swear though there has always been something so therapeutic for me when I explore God's beautiful creation. Many of the trees hadn't fully changed colors however it was still so beautiful. I loved being able to sit down and munch on my Cheezits and just breathe. I have come to realize how special and important taking a step back from everything truly is. 

    Even though the main event was going to Turkey Run I think my favorite part from the whole day was going to this restaurant called "Triple XXX" which is right beside Purdue Lafayette. It was extremely unique in the way that everyone sat on bar like tables and if you didn't find a seat you just sat outside. Thankfully we had found a seat inside and were able to order a delicious meal. I of course made a mess out of my barbecue sandwich and demolished all of my fries. Brian had asked me if I would even have room for dessert but of course that was a silly question. Their strawberry milkshake tasted homemade and I could have eaten the super size all by myself. I think my favorite part of it all though was the restaurant having a ton of windows and just being able to watch all of the students go around the town. I absolutely love the city and that campus life and being able to just look outside and watch everything is so fun to me. Oh, and some dad asking me how I like the Purdue campus and me totally pretending that I actually went to the Purdue there. That was fun. All in all it was one of my favorite dates and I am so beyond thankful for days just away from life. 

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