Friday, October 8, 2021

"Born into brothels"


    I picked the documentary "Born into brothels" to watch for this Documentary Project. A specific scene that got to me was where they were on a bus heading for the beach. They don't get to get out of the 'Red Light District" so this was something new for them. During the whole scene while they are in the bus they are singing, dancing, laughing, and even sleeping. Their lives are horrible, something we can't even comprehend, and yet on a trip to the beach they look so carefree. I have a special place in my heart for every single kid on this earth, and just seeing them so happy for even just a short amount of time, warmed my heart. It also hurt my heart though, knowing that happiness comes very rarely in their life. 
    One thing that really surprised me was how graphic the documentary was. I had no idea their life might be that horrible. I've seen the movie "Priceless" before, which is about sex trafficking, and thought it would be something like that. However it was completely different and took me by surprise. The sleeping conditions, the way they had to wash their dishes, all the illegal drugs and alcohol that were being sold. I think I was just so surprised because we get so wrapped up in the world that we live in that we forget other people live so horribly. Not everyone can receive an education or have a proper home. It definitely was shocking and eye opening. 

    I still had some questions after viewing the documentary. After the documentary was over it had brief descriptions of where the kids are today but I still am wondering where they are. What are they doing? Some of the girls were able to go school but ended up leaving the school in the end. I just wonder what might have happened to them. I've felt upset over the last few days after watching the documentary. But I've also felt gratitude that my life doesn't look like theirs and never has. 

    I think we should avoid research when we are summarizing the documentary. Because I think we need to summarize the documentary not the history about what the documentary is talking about. The documentary can already be hard to summarize but researching it could make it even harder to summarize. Researching the documentary could switch our focus to things that don't necessarily need to be focused on. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Elizabeth! That beach scene got to me, too! I wonder how you will explore it in your analysis. It feels like we might talk about ethos (the ethics of Briski's decision to help, to take them out of their environment), pathos (lots, here! The images, sounds, footage of play), and maybe logos, too (how magically almost unreal this scene felt, compared to their daily lives, how LOGICAL it might seem to want to help). Good job!


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