Friday, October 1, 2021

Life is crazy...and that's okay

     My life is crazy, as I would assume many other people's life is crazy as well. However whenever I would talk to my friends how crazy my life is, I always found myself smiling as I said it. Yeah, my life is crazy, but in my opinion that just means there's never a dull moment in my family's household. We have eight people living in our three bedroom house right now. I was the oldest of two siblings before my family adopted my sixteen year old sister and now I am the oldest of three. Before my family adopted my sister we fostered for eight years. We have now stopped fostering however we currently have two kids living with us who we are very close with from previously fostering. I have to say I absolutely love having so many people in our house. It is always loud, in a good way, and something is always going on.

    My mom and dad not only decided to take in two extra kids but we also have about eight dogs at our house every week. We babysit dogs as a job and we have been doing so for almost nine years now. So, along with eight people constantly going in and out of our house we have about eight to ten dogs going in and out of our house. Chaos. But a beautiful chaos. I have grown to greatly appreciate a family that works so well together. A family that isn't all blood but has each other's backs. A mom that homeschools my younger siblings while working part time. My dad who helps my mom run the dog business while also taking each kid from place to place. To be honest, my dad hasn't had a job for two and a half years now. But God has always provided and my mom and dad have learned to balance their roles. 

    Our life isn't perfect. As the older sister I find myself driving around the siblings a lot. I find myself cleaning up our house as much as I can because my mom doesn't have the chance to get to it most of the time. We all fight and sometimes there's not a lot of food in the fridge due to the fact that there are five teenagers living in the house. However I choose to look on it with such a smile on my face. Because it is the biggest blessings to have a big family. Especially a big family that loves one another. So I will keep enjoying the craziness of my house every time I go back home. Because it is so beautiful. 


  1. I absolutely love your post and the way you write. I have always wanted a big family. Reading your post family helped me live vicariously through you. :)

  2. You have a lot going on at home. I only have one sister and one dog along with my parents. I couldn't imagine the craziness that you go through. But, it seems like you handle it very well. I drive my sister everywhere as well so I know that feeling. I like the fact that you just brush all the craziness it all off and go about your day shows how strong willed you are. (Mason)


Completely and Utterly Exhausted

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